Friday, June 6, 2008


BORED ! at home . there is nothing to do at home . . . nothing to laugh about today . MEandPEOPLE love the GATSBY advert . damn retarded luh . so fun to copy . Try copying it . sure cool luhs . my friend's friend just DIED . so sad . lets cry for her[BOO][HOO][HOO] haha . . . im being beaten to death now by JINGyi ! ! ! She is like SUPEr obsessed with SOMEBODy! Shall not say who . . . she is totally beating me to DEATH . . .she doesnt want me to post this . DUh! oUcH , kayys that's all for today! Grace Tan PX is a meanie. i dont know why but she is a RETARD . but im worse than her. cant imagine. she's already worse enough!!!better not say anymore[one person beating me is enough]:XXXXX